On December 5, ANEEL held the 14th Existing Energy Auction at the main offices of the CCEE (Energy Trading Chamber). The auction lasted all of 15 minutes, and two state owned companies sold their energy for a period of three years, starting in January 2015: Petrobras offered two plants in the Availability Product, and Furnas put up the Quantity Product.
Aureliano Chaves Power Plant, with a cost/benefit index (CBI/ICB) of R$ 191,99/MWh, and a unit variable cost (UVC/CVU) of R$ 278,98/MWh.
The thermal power plants will receive a total fixed amount of R$ 171 million in exchange for system availability and, if they are dispatched, will be reimbursed for fuel according to the unit variable cost described above.
This energy was purchased under contract by 33 distributors, the largest single portion, or 13.6%, went to CEA in the state of Amapá, followed by RGE in Rio Grande do Sul, which purchased 12.25%.
Aneel estimates an average demand of 2,658 MW on the part of distributors, as per item 16 of Technical Note 390/2014–SRE/ANEEL. Therefore, enough energy was traded in today’s auction to supply 23% of distributor needs. In the first half of 2015 especially, the average exposure will be about 2,000 MW.